Christmas Hope Continues!

Christmas isn’t finished in Romania!  Last week, the villages of Tetchea and Bazna received the Christmas bags that you provided.

In Bazna, Pastor Jonathan had quite the adventure preparing the Christmas bags for his church: 

We did 150 bags!  It was quite an adventure!  Yesterday evening we went shopping, and on the way home our car’s brakes broke because of the heavy load.  We had to call another car to transfer the gifts!  Praise God I was able to fix them, so now it’s all good!

Wow!  There were so many goodies that the brakes broke.  We’re so thankful everything is okay!

In the end, both Christmas bag distributions were tremendous blessings to the communities.  Children were smiling and so thankful for their treats.  Thank you again for making this holiday season so special for these kids.

Check out the pictures below of the Bazna and Tetchea outreaches, and the packed car!