IMPACT in Oradea, Romania

By Andy Baker and Natalie Barentson

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:24-25

When I think of Impact Church, a Romanian church you support through Remember the Children (RtC), I think of this verse.  Over the last year, this church was the hands and feet of Jesus in the city of Oradea, Romania.  They have served their community, challenged their congregants, and made an impact—no pun intended—in the region. 

This week, lead pastor Adi Galiger gave RtC an update on what the church has been up to this summer.  Check out what your partnership has accomplished! 

  • The finances of Impact Church have been up and down. You sustained them through the COVID-19 shutdown.

  • Youth camp is next month! In 2019, there were 40 students, and this year, 100 are signed up. You provided scholarships so kids had 50% financial assistance.

  • This year, there will be 3, week-long pastoral mentorship seminars for local leaders. They will cover The Bible Made Simple, a Bible study curriculum that was translated into Romanian thanks to your support.

  • This last Sunday, Pastor Adi felt led to ask people to come forward that were struggling with living the life that we are called to live as Christians. We all know we fall short, but he said that 20 people came forward and that it was an amazing prayer time for the church.

  • Impact is also serious about mission outreach. Over the last month, they took an offering to help a missionary in Greece that is working with refugees from Afghanistan and Syria. It was refreshing to know that a church we are partnering with is reaching other parts of Europe, especially with the Muslim refugees that are in camps there.

  • The church is also renovating a house for a family of ten. The father has suffered a stroke and is bedridden and unresponsive. The church is doing all of the needed repairs for their home to provide a better environment for the mother and eight children. They will also continue to meet other needs as they arise.

As you can see, it’s been a very busy few months at Impact Church!  Thank you for your support of this local congregation—you’re reaching people across the globe!